Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Few Highlights of the Past Few Months...

Finally I am getting back to blogging! I had some computer frustrations and I just was not feeling well. Thankfully, I am over the "sick" part of being pregnant and am semi functional again. I have missed A LOT (ugh) , but here are a few highlights of what we have been up to.
We've been singing, "All I want for my birthday are my two front teeth!
When the Tooth Fairy came on the second tooth, she said she felt the little fairy going underneath her pillow and she didn't dare open her eyes because she didn't want to "break the promise" Phew!

Collin getting his Webelos! A very exciting moment.

Caleb's 3rd birthday. He LOVES trains and could hardly keep his hands off of his cake.
We had fun celebrating!
Caleb at age 3:
* LOVES trains
* LOVES milk and his blankey
* Has his own cute language.... Braden = "Brae", Collin = "Daw" (we have no idea),
Lila = "Lellow", Grandma and Grandpa = "Jamma and Jampa" Funny!
* Is an escape artist... we are CONSTANTLY asking ourselves, "Where's Caleb?"
* Loves books
* Always wants to be outside playing
* Cracks us all up by the funny things he does
* So lovable and happy!

Braden started Lacrosse this year. He really enjoyed it and played awesome!

A sweet picture with Great Grandma

Baby Animal Days. Caleb was begging to take a bunny home... it was tempting, but we thought Charlie (our dog) might think it was a stuffed animal... which he tears to shreds!

We had a hole dug to put an in-ground tampoline in. We had a huge pile of dirt and Caleb was in HEAVEN digging with his shovel. (I promise he started out with clothes on)

This is our second year of walking the Race For the Cure. I love it! It is amazing to be there and be a part of something so big. There are so many brave people in the world.

Braden and Collin built this snow cave all by themselves and were SO anxious to sleep in it. I was a nervous wreck all night... You can see they had a terrible time.

1 comment:

Britt said...

I'm glad you're back. I've missed you. And I'm so glad that you're feeling better. I've thought about you and wondered how in the world a mother of four could function being that sick. No fair.

Your cute family makes me smile. I wish you lived right next door to us.