Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What We've Been Up To

Spending time at the park, playing freeze tag and sliding down the slides.

Reading books =)

Playing in the mud =(

Going down the slide like a big boy!

Making forts with loved stuffed animals

Riding on Daddy's shoulders!

Playing golf for the first time!

Enjoying a beautiful day at the golf course.

Being a total stud tweenager!

Developing a new sport.... Blade slide!


Angie said...

That post has "SPRING" written all over it! I love the mud photo... Does Lila play in mud with the boys? We don't have many mud pictures around our house... but I think they are soooo cute!

(Don't get me wrong I'm glad I don't have to clean up after a "mud photo" though!)

It Just Fitz said...

You are the FUN mom! Love those kids!!

Marie' said...

Fun pictures! So bright and cheerful. That picture of Lila in fort with stuffed animals is so cute. I am wondering what happens once Brady gets going down the slide. It looks dangerous.

Meredith said...

I can't believe how big Caleb is! He does look like a big boy now. Looks like you guys are having fun1

Becky said...

It was so great to see you! Your family is so beautiful and your kids are big!! Wow!! So glad to run into you!!